Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 21

  Search Successes
GFNJ Printable Forms   

Please click on the name to go that printable form: 

Red Leash

  What Makes a Greyhound Different? Article

Please print this article and share with your vet

 Red Leash 

Please print double sided and fold in half 

Red Leash
Red Leash

 Adoption Packet  
These forms make up the Adoption Packet.
All should be put in a folder with GFNJ's phone number on the front and the dogs name on the tab. 
If at all possible, please use the carbonized Adoption Contract, sending the white form back to GFNJ. 
(if not using the carbonized form, please print 2 and have adopter complete/sign BOTH forms
Health Record
Welcoming Letter
Index of Articles
Your Grey's First Days
Meet Your New Best Friend
A Walk on the (Not So) Wild Side
My Health & What You Should Know
Treating Hookworm - updated 02/02/2020
Bleeding and Clotting Issues in Greyhounds
What's In Those Bloodtests?
Crating & Housetraining
Finding Your Lost Greyhound
Lost Dog Checklist
What Your New Greyhound Is Thinking
Keep in Touch with GFNJ