Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 21

  Search Successes


Video on "The Linda Loop"  
Greyhound Blood Values Updated In an Emergency Wallet Card

Wallet Card1

Greyhounds and Children
Please click here for information...
Children and Pets
Introducing Greyhounds to Infants
Please click here for information...

Baby and Dog
Articles About Your New Greyhound

Kathleen Gilley 1998 Seminar Excerpt - What Is Your New Greyhound Thinking?
Dennis McKeon - A Simple Primer to Help You Understand Your Greyhound
Dennis McKeon - Understanding Separation Anxiety in Greyhounds
Heidi Gehret - Your Greys First Days

Taking Care of the Older Greyhound

Older Dogs
Please click here for information...

 Be Prepared for an Emergency    

   First Aid Kit

Please click here for information... 
 Disaster Pet Readiness Tips 

Noahs Ark 

Please click here for information...   

Greyhound Health Issues

Dr. Suzanne Stack has helped numerous greyhound owners by giving advise on the Greyhound-L regarding greyhound medical issues. 
A website has been put together with articles of medical interest on the following:

Osteosarcoma in Greyhounds; The Adrenal Diseases; The Basic Profile; Coccidiodomycosis;    

Dealing with Injuries; Ehrlichia - why all the concern?; Greyhound Anesthesia; Greyhound Bloodwork;    

Hock Fractures; Hound Myths; Hypothyroidism in Greyhounds; Lumbosacral Stenosis; Pancreatitis;   

A Primer of Pain Meds; Tackling Thunderstorm Phobia; Tips for a Speedier Recovery; Toenails falling off

Greyhound Bloodwork    

Greyhound's blood results are often different then those of other dogs. 
Dr. Suzanne Stack kindly provided greyhound owners with greyhound bloodwork information that should be shared with your veterinarian.

Please click here for more information... 

 GFNJ Pet Sitter List 

Please contact Patty at or 732 566-2226 for information on possible grey sitters in your area.      

 Skunk Odor Removal Recipe  

"De-Skunking Recipe"  

A clean plastic bucket in which to mix the ingredients.
One quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide (usually sold in pint bottles, so you'll need two. (use of other strengths is not recommended)
one quarter cup of baking soda (do not use washing soda, which is much stronger and will burn your dog's skin)
1 to 2 teaspoons of liquid detergent (Soft Soap and Ivory are preferred)
Apply with a cloth or sponge to a dry dog, working well into fur. Let stand for apx, five minutes, then rinse with tepid water; repeat if necessary. ( This mix is relatively mild but MUST BE KEPT out of eyes, ears, nose and mouth)
Anyone with sensitive skin or an open wound should not use this remedy, as it may irate. As an alternative, bathe in mild soap and water several days until the smell is gone.
Another option is to wipe down the skin in a solution of dish soap and baking soda, making sure to rinse.
Vinegar is also a good odor neutralizer, but can sting sensitive skin.
If your dog takes a direct hit to the eyes, the use of artificial tear solution or eye wash to flush out the eyes.
If the eyes become red, squinty or develop a discharge a visit to the Vet is warranted.
DO NOT STORE this mixture as it loses it effectiveness and more importantly, it releases OXYGEN GAS and the container could explode...
It may bleach the dog's hair (but better that then the smell) And remember, the sooner you deal with the skunking the better, as over time the smell sets in and is harder to eliminate.
There are THREE ways to remove skunk odor from a large outdoor area that cannot be washed.
Use a garden hose sprayer or a water spray gun filled with a gallon of CLEAR 95 PERCENT DILUTED VINEGAR and a cup of non foaming dishwasher detergent. Spray the entire area.
If the smell is in an outbuilding or under a building use Charcoal. Place 25 pounds on a tarp and ventilate the area. The charcoal will absorb the smell.
If neither of these methods are available, completely ventilate the area. Remember, over time, the skunk smell will fade away..

(the above is from Minnesota Vet School) 

One quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
One teaspoon dish washing detergent
A 1/2 gallon or larger plastic bucket
A clothes pin for your nose

If the pet is very dirty or muddy a pre-wash with detergent gives the oxidizing mixture better access to the skunk spray.

Put the detergent, and the baking soda in an open 1/2 gallon plastic bucket and pour the hydrogen peroxide in. Work the effervesing solution into the pet's fur
immediately keeping it out of the eyes, mouth and nostrils. Let it stay in the fur for a few minutes and then rinse off with lots of water. Apply the solution
to any other items which may have come in contact with the skunk spray such as collars or leashes. The mixture only has a useful life of about five minutes so
work quickly.

If the solution contacts the pets eyes flush them with plenty of water. 

Fat Meatballs
Sometimes our greys need extra help to put on some weight - this is the recipe for a tried and true method:

2 pounds raw hamburger, the cheaper and fattier, the better
3 or 4 raw eggs
1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup Karo syrup
1 cup wheat germ
1 cup oatmeal

Dump it all into a large bowl and mix it together with your hands.
Form it into balls about the size of a ping-pong ball, and feed up to 10 meatballs per serving.  

It's better served raw to preserve all the fat.

But if you feel you must cook it, microwave the meatballs for no more than 30 seconds on paper towels on a plate. 

Don't cook them too long or all the precious fat and calories will seep out. Cool before serving. 

Cookie Recipes Greyhounds Love (please send in any recipes that your greys love)   

 Liver Cake Recipe 

 (Compliments of the Greyhound List)  

 1 8 oz. box corn muffin mix
 1 egg
 1 tspn. chopped garlic 
 1 package of uncooked chicken livers 

  ** If you can't find chicken livers, you can use beef livers but you must cut up the beef liver before you put it into the blender.** 

Put chicken livers into blender. Liquify the chicken livers. Add to the corn muffin mix, egg and garlic. No need to use an electric mixer, hand mixing is fine. Batter will be lumpy. Put into muffin pans using PAPER muffin holders. Bake at 350 degrees for approx. 20 min., or until a tooth pick inserted comes out clean. Frost with cream cheese - if desired. If you are watching calories, do not put the cream cheese icing. You can give the WHOLE THING, PAPER and all to your dog. (Yes, I ran this by my vet and she agrees that PAPER muffin holders are okay to give to the dogs.    

Testimonial from Sue Schrock    

My dogs ADORE these. My Klaire would take them right from the oven if I let her! I usually make 2 or 3 batches at once and freeze them, that way I have a nice supply on hand. Mr. Mo will bark at me while baking as if he is telling me to "hurry up"! Kidal loves them too! Funny, but my cats don't like them! My neighbors cats and dogs LOVE them. Go figure! I usually take a few when I have a vet appointment for one of my animals and now have the vet making them!!! LOL! Sue 

  Please click here for additional cookie recipes