Dear Greyhound Friends: 2006 was a wonderfully exciting and eventful year for Greyhound Friends of New Jersey, as more than 265 adopted greyhounds and their very happy families can attest. In addition to our bi-weekly arrivals from the Massachusetts tracks, we continue to answer the pleas from Florida to help those dogs in imminent danger each week as the number of dogs finishing their careers so greatly exceeds the possible homes available in the south. We are very grateful to both the Natalie W. Furniss Charitable Trust and Church & Dwight Co., Inc. for awarding grants specifically to aid the Florida dogs. Aljo Rudy and Tz Video Zombie are just two Florida dogs that narrowly escaped. Volunteer Bill Broulliard wasn’t quite as happy, though, since they arrived in the middle of the night and in the middle of a blizzard. But neither the time nor weather kept Bill from getting them tucked into HayHill kennel by dawn.
 Poof Aljo Rudy TZ Video
Poof represents the western area of the country as we try to answer calls for help. As a puppy Poof was injured on a Kansas track, received surgery, but no rescue would accept him. He was ‘hidden’ in a brood kennel for six months until GFNJ was asked to help. Within a week he was on his way to New Jersey, blossomed in foster care and was adopted.
The February Annual Meeting brought changes to our ever-growing organization. We welcomed four new Board members whom you’ll read about inside. I am so pleased that Chris, Janet, Maria, and Sue have been honored with Board membership and grateful for their added commitment.
Following a compensation committee recommendation, the Board voted (15 in favor, 2 opposed) to approve a 2007 salary of $25,000 for the office of the President. Approximately $16,000 of the stipend will be covered by funds saved from no longer renting office space or making payments on a van. As in years past, approximately 75% of GFNJ’s annual budget will continue to go directly to the care of the greyhounds, with the remaining percentage covering fundraising and administrative expenses.
Need for compensation is evident in looking at the history of GFNJ. Beginning in 1986, Greyhound Friends of New Jersey has grown from a seedling organization to our current adoption rate of over 260 greyhounds annually. As GFNJ grew, organizational changes became necessary and in 2000 GFNJ incorporated as a non-profit organization with 501 (c) (3) status. Due to continued growth, Greyhound Friends of New Jersey, Inc. registered and was recognized as a New Jersey Charitable organization in 2006.
Enjoying the success of saving so many greyhounds each year requires more than 80 volunteers in three states and extensive fundraising efforts. Supervising the labor of this many people so that it remains one cohesive organization is the job of the President. For Greyhound Friends this obligation requires a full-time commitment and entails acting as liaison with track representatives to determine how many dogs will be taken and from what tracks; arranging transportation; personally evaluating and cat testing each dog; ensuring that injured or special needs dogs get timely transport and medical treatment; supervision of foster home coordination; re-homing returned dogs; supervising the prison program; ensuring that every dog is up-to-date on required shots; has been spayed or neutered; and that adoptions go smoothly. The President acts as advisor and has final responsibility for hundreds of Meet & Greets, parades, picnics and craft shows that raise funds and introduce the public to greyhounds, as well as supervise what products will be sold at these events. The President is available 24 hours a day for emergencies. Additionally, the President must be available to consult with any adopter having questions or problems, as well as veterinarians and behaviorists treating our dogs.
I am honored and most grateful for the confidence and trust the Board placed in me and that I will be able to devote full time to GFNJ and not juggle my rescue duties with obligations to Camden County Public Schools. I have a list of projects that I will be addressing in the coming year. The first of which I am pleased to say is the expansion of the Prison Program at Mountainview Youth Correctional facility. Administrator Bruce Hauck has invited us to add four more dogs to the current seven greyhounds in residence at Mountainview. In addition, I intend to update the educational programs at the institution to benefit the dogs and the inmates. Another area which I hope to expand is to develop relationships with veterinarians in regions of our reach to offer negotiated costs for spay/neuters and care of our dogs in foster placement. I look forward to bringing you updates on these programs and others in future newsletters.
I thank each adopter and volunteer for all the love you give each dog and I wish you a very Happy Spring! Sincerely, Linda Lyman President 
Gotch Ya! “Feet—what feet?” LuLu tends to overreact to nail trimming! LuLu introduces: “Gotch Ya!” – please send us those special pictures of your greyhound doing something cute, funny, or amazing—you know, the picture that causes people to say “Ahhhh” when they see it. We’ll use as many as we can. Just e-mail your digital or scanned pictures of good quality to Lelyman10@comcast.net with a little description – be sure and include your greyhound’s name.
Spring Brings Risks to Greys
Please protect your greyhound. Most greyhounds get loose by running through an open gate. Gates are left open by landscapers, meter readers, contractors, kids, adults, etc. The best way to prevent this from happening is to padlock all of your gates. A little inconvenience opening the gate is well worth the alternative - loss of a greyhound. A quick, visual check to see that the fence is intact and gates are closed should take place each time the dog goes out.
If your greyhound does get lost, call Greyhound Friends immediately!!! We have experience finding lost greyhounds and will help you with volunteers, fliers,and Have-a-Heart traps. Your greyhound’s life could hang in the balance. CALL!!! 732-356-4370 immediately.
GFNJ Welcomes New Board Members
At the annual meeting in February, GFNJ welcomed four new board members. We have been asked how one becomes a board member and the answer is that the path is different for all of us, but the one common thread is that we all started as volunteers and then took on increasing responsibility. We would like to introduce you to our newest board members:
Janet Marshall met her first greyhound about 13 years ago during a chance meeting with Barbara Wicklund in a travel agency. Since she already had two dogs at the time it was another six years before she found us again at a pet expo and decided to adopt her first grey, Sadie. Chester, a grey mix that we were helping a shelter get adopted, followed at an annual picnic, and she was hooked. She began fostering and doing a monthly Meet & Greet—and Leo joined the crew about two hours after Janet was urged by Rose Comerford to “take him home to foster”. Janet does adoptions, continues to foster older returned greys, helps process new dogs, works on yard sales, and is an integral part of the annual Craft Show committee.
Janet is a widow, lives in Bound Brook, and has two children in addition to her four dogs. She works as an accounts receivable manager for a communications company and has a boss flexible enough to allow her to respond to emergency situations at the kennel. Janet says it best in her own words, “I am pleased to be a part of GFNJ and I hope be able to make an impact on the lives of Greyhounds in years to come … Where else can you do something you really enjoy and have fun doing it while making a difference in the lives of Greyhounds and people?”
About nine years ago, Chris Griffith lost her beloved terrier mix, Cookie, and vowed never to have another dog. The same day, however, she picked up a copy of “Self” magazine and saw an ad about adopting an ex- athlete—a greyhound. After reading much literature, a lucky meeting with Barbara at a dog show led to the adoption of her first greyhound, Brownie, now 12 ½ years old. She was so enthusiastic about the breed she began doing Meet & Greets at PETCO which still continues monthly.
Chris does transports, retrieves dogs from bad situations, fosters dogs, handles the vendors for the annual craft show as well as participates in various other events throughout the year. Her favorite activity is fostering brood “matrons” –older dogs that have served their time in breeding situations.
She lives in Allentown, PA with her five senior greys and works in the insurance industry and part-time in the entertainment industry. She says about her work with the dogs, “It is very rewarding to see right before your eyes an ex-racer transition into a lovable pet and a brood mom finally get a loving home she so richly deserves and has waited a long time for. And while it is sometimes sad to see your foster move on, you know that they are going to their forever home and you were a very important part of that process.”
After reading an article in the Star Ledger about Greyhound Planet Day, Maria Lutz and her husband Frank adopted Bucky in 2002. Volunteering began soon after that first adoption and a visit to the prison in 2003 resulted in Sugar Plum, a broken leg dog, joining their family. After flunking fostering in 2004, Sleeper became a permanent member of the household.
As a contact for Morris, Hunterdon, and Middlesex counties, Maria interviews applicants, keeps the adopters in her area up to date on events, and does adoptions. She has been in charge of the Santa photo area for the craft show for several years and for 2007 will take over the vendor coordination. She continues to be involved in the prison program, assessing dogs there for adoption matching. Go to any event and you are likely to see Maria working the crowd.
Maria and Frank Lutz live in Monroe Township with their three greys and Maria commutes daily to her job in insurance in Bergen County. She says, “I would like to develop new and innovative fundraising efforts and encourage even more adopters to volunteer for our organization. The most rewarding part of being involved in GFNJ is to see the joy that a greyhound can bring to a family and to help as many dogs as possible find permanent, loving homes.” Sue Smith has been involved with Greyhound Friends of New Jersey, Inc. for about four years, since she adopted her first dog, Precious, from the Mountainview Correctional Facility prison dog training program. She has been involved in transport, fostering, adoptions, Meet & Greets and has been a member of the craft show committee for the past two years. She often fosters dogs that have been returned in order to help us assess their needs before making another placement. Dasher joined her family after she flunked fostering the first time out.
Sue’s main focus for the past 18 months has been as the coordinator of our Prison program for which she is uniquely qualified since she has 17 years of experience as a corrections officer at another facility. She interviews the inmates who apply for the program, and helps to train and test the dogs during visits 2-4 times per month. She is also on call for emergencies at the prison and takes dogs in the prison program to veterinarians when necessary. “It's great seeing the difference in the dogs from when I take them to Mountainview and when I pick them up to go to their forever home,” Sue says of her duties as co-coordinator.
Sue lives in Woodbridge and often helps out at the kennel when dogs arrive from the track.
GFNJ welcomes Janet, Chris, Maria and Sue to the Board and invites everyone to participate. Be it event planning, introducing your dog to the public and telling the greyhound story, or walking dogs at the kennel, your contributions are desired and appreciated. An adopter once said that with other groups he felt he was adopting a pet, but with GFNJ he felt he was being adopted too. Please call Linda Lyman at 732-356-4370 if you have a little time and a lot o’ love.
We would like to encourage more adopters to become involved in 2007 - we can’t do this alone - please check the website at www.greyhoundfriendsnj.org for volunteer opportunities in the coming months.
thoughts from an adopter and foster by Heidi Gehret
As we know, greyhounds are very special. Not just because of their loving personalities but because of their history in the racing world. We sympathize with what many of them have encountered during their days spent in racing kennels and on farms.
We imagine what it will be like to have our new dog. We have visions of pampering him and growing old together, while the greyhound comes into our families with no expectations and no idea what it means to live in a family unit.
Although greyhounds are cared for by trainers, they have not freely interacted with them and, in most cases, have not been able to bond with any one person for very long. They have lived their entire lives with other greys and function instinctively as part of a pack.
Socially, dogs think much differently than we do. They only feel comfortable within a hierarchy. I have found that when I bring a new dog into the house and establish my position as leader of the pack, the dogs will fall in line and feel confident following me. Only then will I go about spoiling and doting on them, always careful not to give up my position. I stay in control by never allowing them to "own" anything. Couches, bowls, toys, etc. are all mine. I am allowing them to use it—with love. Owning your position is something the dog senses.
An alpha dog can control a pack using only his eyes and body language. If you yell or use physical punishment you will lose the respect of that dog. By setting limits and establishing the pack order you will ensure a lifetime of happiness with your greyhound.
Adoption groups have seen far too many wonderful dogs returned needlessly. Most of the time greyhounds with anxiety and behavioral issues need their owner to be a strong, confident leader.
Some adopters feel sorry for a dog in a crate or wearing a greyhound muzzle. I feel sorry for the greyhound who, having been given full access to a new environment, has accidents or experiences so much anxiety at being left alone for the first time that he becomes destructive. I feel sorry for the greyhounds who have gone through long recoveries after being bitten by another grey while they were running and playing in the yard without muzzles because the new owner thought they were being “kind.”
As I always say, “get your glue gun out and put some plastic flowers on those muzzles.” When you think about it, muzzles and crates are not much different from those annoying seatbelts we all have to wear—made for safety so we can enjoy our years together.
Heidi is owned by three greyhounds—Tara, Domino, and Iron Eyes. She and her husband Bob have three daughters Leah, Ally, and Demi. They adopted their first greyhound in 1999. Heidi fosters the more "difficult" or misunderstood greyhounds with great success. She is currently the foster mom for our puppy, Spot.
Some of our very “Special” Greys
Rambler is a very handsome and vibrant 10 year old gentleman. He is in a great foster home and getting along fine with the four year old daughter and greyhound. He is not cat or small animal safe but sweet and gentle. Won’t you consider this big, handsome boy?
Spot –could he get any cuter? Spot is a year old puppy who is in foster care with a very experienced foster mom and family who are teaching him proper greyhound manners. He is adorable and loves to play. He should be with older children and an experienced greyhound person who will continue the work being done with this cutie pie
Aljo Energizer “Ian” is a very shy boy who is in a foster home with other greys to gain some confidence. He is working with a behaviorist and his foster mom to teach him that the world is not such a scary experience. We would love to talk to an adopter with a grey who can accept Ian for who he is—a gorgeous diamond in the rough.
Bubba is in foster care and is a terrific guy--he is truly beautiful inside and out. He has a starry gaze as if he is trying to reach in and touch your soul. He is cat tolerant with supervision and is fine with older children. He is a senior citizen at 10 years, so a calm house with possibly another greyhound would be best. His wonderful foster has helped him with some dietary issues and can share all of her knowledge with an adopter.
Helen Twist “Jasmine” is a beautiful and very happy seven year old who is a real tail-wagger. Jasmine should be an only dog and should make a great companion. She enjoys long walks, running in a fenced yard, and laying on her bed--greyhound joys!! She loves to be petted and will whine and wag her tail when she needs some attention. She is doing great in her foster home but is looking for a forever home.
Marilyn is an eight year old senior who was returned through no fault of her own. She is in a great foster home with cats and other greys with no problems. She needs to go outside at least every five hours during the day. She is sweet, laid back and just happy to be part of a family.
2006 Profit and Loss (please click for information)
GREYHOUND FRIENDS OF NJ ANNUAL SPRING PICNIC When: Sunday May 20th, 11am – 3pm Where: Duke Island Park, Old York Road, Bridgewater, NJ What: A Greyt time to be had by you and your dog(s). Fun things to do, greyt items to buy, good food to eat, raffle prizes to be won, and more! Come out and support GFNJ! **Spectacular Raffle Table** **GFNJ Merchandise/Retail Table** ** Vendors** **Lunch from the Grill** **Bake Sale** **Contests** **Adoptable dogs available for pre-approved applicants** **Therapy Dog Certification Testing** Therapy Dog International, Inc certification testing will be available. The fee is $15. Pre-registration is requested - please contact Sue at greyhoundadoption@gmail.com or 732 283-3889 to register your dog. (non-greyhounds are welcome) Donate: Raffle Table Items ~ Bake Table Goods ~ Empty ink/laser jet cartridges
Old Cell Phones ~ Pro Plan Weight Circles
Gently used Coats, Collars and Meds for the Galgos
20oz Plastic Bottles (Ideal bottles have small mouths ie: Pepsi, Aquafina, Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, and the labels removed). GFNJ will get .06 for each we send in.
Volunteer: If you can dedicate an hour or two, please contact Donna Patt at 908-564-5790 or dmpatt@gmail.com
Raffle: The "Take a Chance" raffle ticket sale starts at this picnic, with the drawing at the September 23rd picnic.
First Prize: $1,000. VISA Gift Card Second Prize: $250. VISA Gift Card Third Prize: $100. VISA Gift Card
$10 PER CHANCE SAVE YOUR PRO PLAN WEIGHT CIRCLES Weight circles from Pro Plan dog food bags help us pay our veterinary bills and buy food for the dogs in our prison foster program. Please cut the circles from the side of the bag and send to Greyhound Friends of NJ.
Moved? Please let us know of any Address, telephone or e-mail changes so we can keep our records up to date. Greyhound Friends of New Jersey, Inc. Membership Application
Greyhound Friends of NJ Membership Dues go for the care of the greyhounds. For an annual donation of $25 or more, members will receive a newsletter subscription and member decal; for $50 or more members will receive a newsletter subscription, decal and T-shirt; for the generous gift of $100, members will receive newsletter subscription, decal and sweatshirt. Write your check today, payable to Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc. and mail it with this form to:
Greyhound Friends of NJ., Inc., P.O. Box 4416, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-0669. Yes, I want to help Greyhound Friends of NJ care for the greyhounds.
(Please print clearly) Name-------------------------------------------------------------- Phone ------------------------ Address --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount Enclosed $-------- T-shirt/sweatshirt size (M,L,XL) ---------- ----- I don’t want a premium; please use the entire donation to help the hounds.
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