Animal Success Stories
Happy Hounds - Happy Families - Who could ask for more? Here are some successful GFNJ adoptions...
Blue Boy

Blue Boy was returned because he would never get out of his crate. Guess he needed the right incentive! This is a nightly ritual before the last evening walk.
Jackpot Joe

I first met Jackpot Joe at a GFNJ picnic in May 2005 and it was love at first sight! He was returned when the wife in his family passed away. I was blessed to have him join my family on that beautiful spring day. Since then, he has been bringing joy to the lives of countless people through his pet therapy work. He works the crowd like a politician. The picture shows Jackpot dressed for St. Patty's day on one of his pet therapy visits. Jodi Arthur
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Patti and Amanda Mastrella adopted Hustler on 3/31/06
Aljo Curious
Robin (mom), Darby and Olivia adopted Curious at the Spring 2007 picnic. What a happy family!
Less then 12 hours after saying goodby to her beloved Duke (see the Rainbow Bridge) Alexandra Gebhardt opened her home to Rock, who has been waiting a very long time for the right home. Thanks to foster Patty Comerford for hanging in with Rock so long and to Alexandra who loves a challenge!
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