Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Bitel's Web Page

Galgo Spanish Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Bitel

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: White
 "The family that adopted our first Galgo, Guapa, would like to help Bitel. They have already paid part of his $500 adoption fee, bringing the remainder down to our usual $260 fee."

Bitel is a handsome little Spanish Galgo that GFNJ welcomed on October 5 from Spain. He came to the shelter, Galgos en Familia in Spain as he was left at a dog pound by his owner after the hunting season finished. The microchip was ripped out of his neck and he was left with an ugly wound. The folks at Galgos en Familia described Bitel as "a beautiful, noble boy who is very sweet and affectionate. He gets on well with the other dogs at the shelter.  He tested to be curious around the cat but not aggressive. Bitel is young and has a lot of energy and loves to run and play."  Bitel is about 16 months old.    See below for requirements to apply to adopt Bitel
Since Bitel's arrival in the U.S. he has been in a foster home and this is what his foster report:
Bitel is just a little love.  He is house broken and will let you know when he needs to go out. Bitel loves to cuddle up next to you, he wants to be touching you.  He is 1 year and 4 months old, but still acts like a puppy, he gets very excited and want to play.  He will entertain himself with stuff toys.  We are working on walking nicely on a leash.
Requirements and information to adopt
Galgos are a different breed from racing greyhounds and as such can be more energetic.  They were mostly used for hunting and are "streetwise" and like to be occupied 
**They can jump and climb and we do require a minimum of a 6 foot fence for any Galgo that we adopt.
They are generally very sweet and very cute.
They usually require the company of another greyhound or dog.

The adoption fee to adopt a Galgo from GFNJ is $500 which only partially defrays the cost of transportation and vetting expenses.
If you are interested in getting more information, please call Linda at 732-356-4370. You won't regret adopting a Galgo!!
Bitel is fully vetted and has been tested negative for Leishmaniosis.

Other Pictures of Bitel (click to see larger version):

Bitel Bitel Bitel