Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Black Irish's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Black Irish

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Black

TL Black Irish is one of he two brothers that we welcomed and one is just as handsome as the other.  What a striking boy who is friendly, calm, cooperative and he looks right into your eyes in such an endearing way.  He's one of those "mooshy" boys that we love.  One of the volunteers commented about this sweet boy,  "Black Irish will give you the Luck of the Irish".  He walks great on leash.  Black Irish will be 3 years old in October.  He's cat tolerant with supervision.

Foster Update 9/11/2014

 TL Black Irish (Irish) is a statuesque, gorgeous lad born on October 15, 2011.   Fitting his name, he dons a shiny black coat and has brown eyes that will melt your heart.  In his foster home, he ignores the three resident indoor cats and gets along swimmingly with our two greyhounds.  He is also very good with our dog-friendly kids, ages 9 and 13. 

Irish walks well on the leash and has mastered going up and down the stairs. He also does well on our wood/tile/laminate flooring.  Both adults in the home work full time. While we are at work, Irish is crated. He goes in the crate easily; when we're home, the crate is open and he sometimes goes in it, at will, for a snooze.  He has excellent house manners, having no accidents in the house. He sleeps through the night on a dog bed next to our bed.  Fostering Irish is a true pleasure. He also has a twin brother, also for adoption (as of this writing), named Black Magic. 

Eager to please, Irish fit into our home quickly. He is confident without being an alpha and has a healthy curiosity; he often explores are home and fenced-in yard on his own. Irish is also highly affectionate; he is a snuggly, mushy boy.  We feel that he will do well as either an "only" dog or with a companion dog.   Irish has a calming and peaceful personality that is felt by anyone encountering him.  His spirit will bring warmth and love to the home lucky enough to adopt and call him "family."  Truly, Irish is a special boy. 

More about Black Irish

Good with Cats

Other Pictures of Black Irish (click to see larger version):

Black Irish Black Irish Black Irish Black Irish
Black Irish Black Irish