Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Pat C Passemup's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Pat C Passemup

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Red

Adoption Pending !

Another gorgeous fawn boy who is very friendly. He is happy and outgoing but not good with cats. This nice boy is 2 years old.

Love Notes From A Foster Mom:

PatC (Patsy) is a sweet and pleasing soul. There's something magnetic about him, he just fills up the room with this radiant love, he adores being near people and has many sweet ways of reflecting his sincerity. He is bright, and naturally inquisitive yet easy to redirect. Patsy loves to be with a family and around children. There's a saying that every boy needs a dog and indeed Patsy would love a boy that he can call his own to snuggle, play, and grow with. He shows his most postive attributes in just the everyday hustle and bustle of an active household.
Patsy would do well on his own in an active house but would also make a wonderful addition to an already grey occupied active home. Patsy is housebroken, house mannered, however he is not receptive to the crate. Patsy is a gentleman on lead, as well as a playful and energetic friend in a fenced yard. Chasing the frisbee and sniffing the breeze makes his tail wag.

Labor Day Weekend Foster Notes:
It's me PatC ..... my foster parents took me to the mountains and Mommy said I was the bestest boy ever! I loved the car and I spooned with Fuzzy for most of the trip - and when he grumbled at me - I put my paw on him because I was thinking maybe he wanted to hold paws too- because it doesn't bother me that he's cranky sometimes. Mommy keeps saying something about Garfield and Nermal???

I had soo much fun - there were my most favorite things - little humans everywhere! Our mountain house was crowded but I loved it because there was always someone hugging and kissing me, and sneaking me a treat! And most of all, I didn't really want to but Mommy said I had too or we were going to go home, so I was a good boy and listened and she was right! I now love to lay in this big thing Mommy kept calling my playpen (x-pen). I loved watching these things go! If they were really fast - I barked to let them know to slow down because my little humans were swimming! I also went on more walks than I can count on my 4 paws! I got to sniff and smell sooo many things and I saw deers! Deers look like me and I thought maybe they were me, but Daddy told me they weren't.

More about Pat C Passemup

Not Good with Cats

Other Pictures of Pat C Passemup (click to see larger version):

Pat C Passemup Pat C Passemup Pat C Passemup