Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Kelsos Loanshark's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Kelsos Loanshark

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Fawn

Kelsos Loanshark was recently relinquished due to the family's transfer to another country. They are heartsick but had no choice.  He is 6 years old and in a foster home with a cat and greyhounds.
Foster Report 4/21/2014:

Oh my Goodness..............we are all in Love with him.  He has already gone to work with me, he is
such a good boy.  He eats and sleeps well with all the rest of us 
  He waits his turn for his dinner, loves going on walks (with just a little correction to follow and leave it when a rabbit, bird
or squirrel gets his attention).    No accidents yet and he truly aims to please on all levels.
He is already getting lots of attention in the neighborhood who are aware we foster.  He is a perfect
example of why we all love these wonderful creatures so very much.
By the way, he also plays a mean game of fetch at times.

_______________________________________Original Posting_______________________
Kelsos Loanshark is a handsome, big, well built boy who is one of those big moosh boys that we have come to love.  He's friendly, a leaner, walks well on leash and is calm--what more could you ask for.  Well, he's cat tolerant with supervision.  This boy, who could put Hugh Jackman to shame, is 5 years old.
Foster Update 7/18/2013's quite simple...Kelsos Loanshark, now referred to as "Sharky" is enjoying the comforts of a home and all that goes with it.  Sharky learns quickly.  He has mastered our deck stairs in a few hours, learned that the cat is the boss (even without claws) and now he ignores her, counter surfing is out of the question and that after he does his business outside=cookies will follow!!!!  Don't want to speak to soon, BUT, no accidents inside and he hasn't marked yet.  Sharky is crated when we are not home but sleeps on his bed in our bedroom at night without a peep. He can be trusted to have free run of our home with supervision.  Sharky is a pleasure to be around and will be a great addition to a family with another grey or as a single pet.  Sharky enjoys our company as much as we enjoy his.

Other Pictures of Kelsos Loanshark (click to see larger version):

Kelsos Loanshark Kelsos Loanshark Kelsos Loanshark