Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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J's Peter Piper "Piper"'s Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About J's Peter Piper "Piper"

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Light Fawn

J's Peter Piper is a big, handsome boy.  He's calm, gentle, sweet and friendly but not pushy.  He's a leaner and another one of those moosh boys who will be your best friend.  He's got captivating soulful eyes that struck us all as just charming.  Piper is 2 years old and cat tolerant with supervision (3 in April)

Foster Update 3/15/2013

J's Peter Piper, or as we call him "Petey" is making the transition to
home life every day. He is one huge lovable boy who LOVES to give
kisses. He is amazingly gentle in doing so. He adores anyone's company
and loves being around other dogs as well. He does really well with my
two cats and regularly goes up to them and sniffs them and then walks

He is playful and sweet. I did not have to teach him to walk
beautifully on a leash as he has done so since day one. He also has an
uncanny knack of letting me know he has to go out by doing a "pee-pee"
dance. Mostly he loves to sleep and be snuggled, so if he gets up and
starts to whine, it means "time to go out" and he does his business.
He mastered the stairs into the house with no problems and also has
shown no problems with any floor surface. He is eating wonderfully and
for a two-year old is really well behaved. He has shown no signs of being food possessive and will let you take his bowl or toy or treat from him. He learned how to take treats from our hands. He is playful and loves to run, so if you have a fenced in yard for this fella, it might help, otherwise a few long walks are in your future. He is a strikingly handsome boy with black eyeliner and a long lush fawn coat.

On most nights, he will crawl up to you and put his head right in your
lap for a sleep and a petting. I really feel he would do well in a
home with other dogs as he LOVES company so much, but if you are home
most of the day, he should do fine. He is just learning to play with
toys, which is a perfect time to adopt as you will really see him
blossom and grow.

More about J's Peter Piper "Piper"

Good with Cats

Other Pictures of J's Peter Piper "Piper" (click to see larger version):

J's Peter Piper  J's Peter Piper  J's Peter Piper  J's Peter Piper
J's Peter Piper  J's Peter Piper