Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Blazing Sun "Eli"'s Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Blazing Sun "Eli"

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
Blazing Sun who is now called "Eli" was recently relinquished after being in his home for several years. The family loved him but he has separation anxiety and would do best with someone who is home alot. He is in our Prison Foster Program and does well when he is with the inmates. The men have reported that he is very sweet and an easy boy.  Eli will turn 8 this month, January.

Inmate Handle Update:
"Eli is the ideal dog and a rarity to come across.  Once shown affection and love, he will never leave yor side. Eli cares aout his dog handler like no other dog you may have come across.  Eli is very mature and calm. He loves cuddling and being petted.  When brought outside to walk, he takes his time and likes to take in the fresh air, but makes sure to handle his business and never fails to do so.  Eli would be an excellent addition to a household where someone is home a lot--a great companion for someone who wants a calm, sweet boy."
Original Posting
Blazing Sun is one really handsome and nice boy--he's "eye candy" in the greyhound world. Sun is sweet, calm, friendly and walks well on leash.  He's affectionate and snuggled with us while we were taking pictures.  Sun is 4 years old and although he loves people, no cats, please.

Other Pictures of Blazing Sun "Eli" (click to see larger version):

Blazing Sun Blazing Sun Blazing Sun