Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Grahams' Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Grahams

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Red

Grahams is one very gorgeous and sweet boy.  He's friendly, calm and walks nicely on leash. He was happy with the attention that he received during his photo shoot and spa bath and we were happy to give him the attention.  Grahams is 2 years old and although cat workable would do best without a cat.  He's the sibling to Rover, another very sweet and handsome boy.

Foster Update 12/31/2011

I am privileged to be fostering Grahams.  This is one great boy!  Grahams is long, tall, very strong and a bit awkward.  He is curious, playful and at times stubborn.  He is also almost constantly happy and wants to kiss everyone.  This combination sometimes creates problems as Grahams doesn't realize his own strength and he can accidentally hurt someone.  Graham's perfect family would not include any children under 10 or small animals (under 40 pounds).  He would enjoy having another dog in the home and an owner who is home more often then not.  A fenced yard would be best.  Grahams is learning how to do the stairs (with some help) and he knows how to sit although he doesn't realize that he is sitting.  Grahams is a great eater and needs to put on some weight, so he has been eating 3 cups of dry food twice a day.  Learning the do's and don'ts of living in a house and what is OK to chew and not are also being worked on every day.  Grahams loves to play with rope toys and will run through the rooms with them, throwing them in the air. Grahams gets along well with the other dogs and likes to play with them.  Housebreaking has been easy for Grahams. As he is a Florida boy, he doesn't enjoy going out in the rain or cold weather (he will, but needs a little push out the door).  Overall, having Grahams in the house has been a pleasure and the family who adopts him will be very lucky.

Other Pictures of Grahams (click to see larger version):

Grahams Grahams Grahams