Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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M's Ashton Gino's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About M's Ashton Gino

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Black
You may remember M’s Aston Gino’s photo on our Home page a few weeks ago, and how he had broken his right front leg at the end of July. Gino is all healed up now, and has learned many things about living in a home. If you’re looking for Mr. Friendly, Gino may be the boy for you. He currently lives with 2 females and 1 male greyhound and gets along very well with everyone. However, since he is only 2.5 years young, he wants to play, and the older dogs he lives with are not interested in playing. Gino would love a home with another medium or large dog who could play in a fenced yard with him. He’s a typical couch potato most of the time, but once in awhile he gets spurts of energy that send him zooming around and really wanting to play with someone. He walks very nicely on his leash during evening walks around the neighborhood. His biggest asset is his friendliness — Gino loves everyone and everything. Sometimes he’s just so happy he wags his tail for no particular reason…he’s just HAPPY!! What more could you ask for in a greyhound…HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! He’d probably be best in a home with older children, as his exuberance could be too much for smaller children or toddlers. Gino is ready for his forever home — won’t you consider him?
Gino is cat tolerant with supervision as he may want to play with the cats.

More about M's Ashton Gino

Good with Cats

Other Pictures of M's Ashton Gino (click to see larger version):

M's Ashton Gino M's Ashton Gino M's Ashton Gino