Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Kohara's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Female

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About Kohara

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Fawn
Kohara is a sweet, sweet brood who we were happy to take off of a breeding farm and onto a comfortable bed. Her picture shows her with a lot of hair from living on the farm in the mid-west but she is getting brushed and is starting to look just gorgeous. She is just 8 years old and full of spunk. She is cat tolerant with supervision.
Foster Update:
She is such a sweetheart! She's fit right in with the other "kids" with nary a probleml. Kohara likes to follow us around the house, and if we're loving on another dog she has to be right there. She hasn't quite figured out how to take treats from your hand but will BooBoo the cat has been avoiding Kohara, but when he has appeared Kohara doesn't seem interested. 
All in all, Kohara is a delight to have around. Someone will be very lucky to be able to add her to their household!
Foster Update:
Kohara is truly one of the sweetest girls around!  She walks nicely on a leash and loves to go outside.  She will seek you out and lean up against you to make sure she gets all the love and affection she can.  She has perfect house manners and has not had any accidents in the time we've had her.  She will make someone a wonderful companion.  She fits in well with our other 4 greys or she would do fine as an only dog.  Her birth date may say she's 8 but her personality and attitude are that of a puppy.

Other Pictures of Kohara (click to see larger version):

Kohara Kohara Kohara