Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Bl's Mad Ernie "Calvin"'s Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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Contact Bl's Mad Ernie "Calvin"'s Caretaker/Foster Directly: Nancy Barnett


About Bl's Mad Ernie "Calvin"

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: White and Brindle
Adoption Pending
Bl"s Mad Ernie whose call name is "Calvin"--a much better name--is so handsome. He is somewhat socially challenged and will need the company of another greyhound or two to gain some confidence. He is a sweet, little boy who needs some TLC and reassurance. This kind of boy is one of my personal favorites--they benefit so much from home life.  Calvin is 2 years old. Cat tolerant with supervision.
FOSTER UPDATE: 3/26/2010
I will never go into the jungle and hunt on my own for a man-eating tiger.  The thought scares me to death, I don't how to do it, absolutely no way.  Yet we ask the shyest greyhounds to come into totally alien surroundings and do what THEY are most afraid to do – trust.  And they have such big hearts and forgiving natures, that they give us a chance and learn to trust, little by little.  It quite simply does your heart good.  Little Calvin now wiggles his body when he sees me after an absence and gets quite animated, PLAYS PLAYS PLAYS with his stuffies, and happily hangs inside and out with my three WAY BIGGER male greyhounds, always the follower, never the leader  If my dogs get too wild running in the back yard, he will run up to the back door to be let inside and wait until those hooligans calm down, and then he wants to join them again. He is such a good boy, sweet and funny. 

And little -  I forget sometimes he is a male because he is so little.  Calvin is just starting to come to us on his own without the "safety" of the pack to be pet, and I think he is quite amazed by his own bravery when he does it!  A few times now he has even very tentatively bumped my hand with his nose for more when I stop.  Good boy Calvin - being by me is always a good thing and a safe place, every single time, you can depend on it and you are figuring that out.

Calvin may be little, but I guess he is still much braver than me, because no matter how hard you might try to convince me otherwise, I would never take that jungle trip.  Some dogs like Calvin don't just necessarily "come around" on their own.  I think that is why these dogs are so special to me personally, because you have to earn it. It just means more. I KNOW Calvin has a happy future ahead of him in the right home, the same as my own shy greyhound (who typically is only afraid of strangers and a very happy boy), and the other socially challenged dogs like them who have been rescued and found forever homes through GFNJ.  We don't pass up the ones that take more time or make us work for it, the same as we don't pass up the physically needy ones - we know they are worth it, and I think these dogs that make you earn it are the best dogs of all. Check back in a few weeks for a progress report on Calvin. 

More about Bl's Mad Ernie "Calvin"

Good with Cats

Other Pictures of Bl's Mad Ernie "Calvin" (click to see larger version):

Bl's Mad Ernie  Bl's Mad Ernie  Bl's Mad Ernie