Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Danika's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Female

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About Danika

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
Adoption Pending
Danaka is the sweetest girl but needs a break--she was adopted and returned to the Prison Foster Program as she just wasn't the dog for the adopters--it was really no fault of hers. She is back at the Prison and the inmates are truly enjoying her company. Won't you consider this young girl who loves life and is a happy girl.
Danaka is the cutest little girl who is a little over a year old. She came to GFNJ at under a year old and has been in the Prison Foster Program where she is doing great and ready for her forever home. Danaka was bought by a family when she was 3 months old but their situation changed and fortunately they asked GFNJ to take her.  We were happy to help them and this little girl. Danaka is friendly and outgoing and would love a fenced yard in which to run a little. Cat workable but might be too playful. Updates: This little girl is the sweetest peanut. She has been to a Meet and Greet and to the picnic and everyone loved her and she loved everyone--kids to adults. If you are looking for a youngish girl who would love a fenced yard--she could be the best friend for you.
Prison Inmate Foster Update:
"Danika is a very playful dog.  She loves her toys and loves to play.  She is very obedient, listening to every command.  She shows her love and loyalty everyday and loves it when you come home.  She will be waiting for you so if you want a dog that can get you out of a miserable mood, Danika is the dog for you."
Prison Inmate Foster Update #2
"Danika is a very good dog.  She is a young girl that loves to play with toys and loves to be petted.  She has a beautiful blonde coat.  She knows all basic commands and listens to you all the time.  This really is a great dog--in the interior and exterior senses.  She will show you the love and care that you show her."

Other Pictures of Danika (click to see larger version):

Danika Danika Danika Danika