Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 21

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Yoshi's Web Page

Podengo Portugueso  : :  Male

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About Yoshi

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: White and Red Fawn

Yoshi is the first Portuguese Podengo that GFNJ has welcomed and what a special boy he is--we are thrilled to have him with us.   This sweet boy is about a year old and was found abandoned in Lisbon. Fortunately, the kind people at Bring Portuguese Podengos to Light rescued him and placed him in a foster home in Portugal.  He loves everyone he meets and gets along well with other dogs. He weighs only about 25 pounds.   How cute!  He was curious about the cat but as soon as the cat moved, he tried to run away and he has lived with cats in his foster home in Portugal. Yoshi would do best with a fenced yard and another friendly dog.

The Portuguese Podengo is hound (sight and scent) breed from Portugal. Yoshi's adoption fee is $750 to defray the cost of transportation.

Other Pictures of Yoshi (click to see larger version):

Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi