Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Flying Kelso's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Flying Kelso

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Blue Brindle

Flying Kelso is a very handsome, stately boy. He is calm, friendly and well mannered. He is mature for his young age of 2 years old and is like an "old soul." The volunteers described him "pet me and I'll follow you anywhere" kind of guy. He is one of those "mooshie" boys who we love. He walks nicely on leash. Kelso is 2 years old and cat workable in that he was initially interested in the cat but could be directed away and lost interest. Like any greyhound, someone with a cat needs to work with them to teach and guide them about the correct interaction with a cat.

Other Pictures of Flying Kelso (click to see larger version):

Flying Kelso Flying Kelso