Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 24

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Momo--Wadi dog's Web Page

Terrier  : :  Male

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About Momo--Wadi dog

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: fawn

Momo is not a greyhound but we sure are happy to welcome him and his two travel companions to GFNJ. He arrived from Oman and is considered a Wadi dog which is a street dog who travel with other dogs looking for food, shelter and protection. Momo is about 8 months old and was found on the streets of Oman at a very young age of 6 weeks. He went straight into a foster home where he stayed until recently when he went into the rescue in Oman for placement.  He is described by the folks who cared for him as very friendly with people and other dogs. We totally agree that this boy of about 30 to 35 pounds is just the sweetest most friendly mid-sized guy.  He is cat tolerant with supervision. Momo's adoption fee is $500 to help to defray the high cost of travel to the United States.

Other Pictures of Momo--Wadi dog (click to see larger version):

Momo--Wadi dog Momo--Wadi dog Momo--Wadi dog