Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Fuzzy Snapper's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Fuzzy Snapper

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Brindle

Adoption Pending

Fuzzy Snapper or "Scrapper" as he was called at the track is such a gorgeous boy but he doesn't know it yet. He is on the timid side and is in a foster home to gain some confidence. He is not only gorgeous but he is sweet and we could tell that he wants to be "normal" and to enjoy himself. Hopefully in the foster home he can relax and love life.  This boy is 2 years old and cat tolerarnt.
Foster Update 8/1/2009
Fuzzy entered our home as a quiet, timid dog. The old Fuzzy is gone and his replacement is a happy, funny, talkative and lovable greyhound. His bark is distinctive: woo woo woo. We hear it in the morning when he has to go out; when he's asking for food; and just sometimes to let us know he's here. He likes to play with toys and when a toy is not in the immediate vicinity you can watch his mind working to decide what a good replacement would be. There are many! Then he needs to be "redirected" and because he's a smart dog, that works quickly. Of course if you're not paying attention you may wind up looking for one of your shoes. Whomever wants to add Fuzzy to a family is going to need to let him warm up for a day or too. Once trust is established the games begin!

Foster Update 7/14/2009
Scrapper is very handsome and with his black face he looks like a teddy bear. His disposition is calm and friendly. Scrapper has come nose to nose with 3 out of the 4 cats and he's walked away. He's just not interested. He is interested in food and gets excited at feeding time. He has learned how to take toys and play. There are no aggression issues with my other 3 greys and he has fit in very nicely. He is going to make a great pet for some lucky adopter. This foster is going to be hard to let go.....

More about Fuzzy Snapper

Good with Cats

Other Pictures of Fuzzy Snapper (click to see larger version):

Fuzzy Snapper Fuzzy Snapper Fuzzy Snapper