Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Cano's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Cano

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Brindle

Turbo Cano is a Courtesy Posting for Greyhound Pet Adoptions of Delaware. Any inquiries can be made to Gail Rys, at 302-731-2668.

Update July 3:  Cano's foster mom has been noticing that he will sometimes walk into things like bushes and that he has a hard time finding treats on the floor. On July 2, he went to a veterinary ophthalmologist where he was diagnosed with Progressive Retinal Atrophy.  This is a very rare condition in greyhounds and is (thankfully) not painful for them, but it results in blindness.  The doctor conducted a thorough exam on Cano and has determined that it's probable that he is already almost totally blind.  We were quite surprised because he has adapted so very well in his foster home.  He goes up and down a full flight of steps, he navigates the house and the big fenced yard and he is getting along with the other greyhounds in the house. His eyes themselves look wonderful and you can not tell by looking at him that he is blind.  They are bright and clear and when you call his name he appears to "look" right at you as you can see in the left picture above. Because of his condition, we are looking for a home for Cano that has some experience with blind dogs or who is willing to "bone up" on optimal living conditions for a blind dog.  A home with another laid back greyhound around Cano's age would be ideal, with the hope that the dog could be a canine guide or companion for him. We would accept applications to adopt Cano from out of the Delaware area IF the applicant has adopted from a group who can provide a reference and has done a home visit for the applicant.  He loves to go for car rides and walks and he rides beautifully in the car. This is a young, very, very handsome boy who is smart and adaptable and he would thrive in a quiet home without a lot of high energy activity.

Other Pictures of Cano (click to see larger version):
