Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Pat C Salt Lake's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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Sweet Boy

About Pat C Salt Lake

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Red Brindle

Pat C Salt Lake was adopted and named "Dakota".  He was living the good life until his dad was deployed to Afghanistan and no one was able to take Dakota.  He went back to his foster mom who was glad to welcome him back.  


Dakota has come back into our lives and what a happy boy he is!  We fostered Dakota before his adoption and there were some things that I forgot about him.  Like how he greets every day with enthusiasm - he almost appears to be laughing!  He "smiles" and snaps at the air when he's excited about something.  Dakota has fit right back into our routine with very few hitches (just a 5 am wake up nudge or two!).  He now politely waits at least until the alarm goes off!  He's had no accidents and will let me know when he needs to go out.  He walks like a champ and listens so well.  He is shy around new people and will glue himself to your legs if you stop to talk to someone.  There are a few neighbors who we meet up with on walks and after a while, Dakota will stretch out his neck to try and catch a sniff of the newcomer (I call it the "sneak and sniff" - my Dodger is quite good at it).  Even though he hesitates to approach new people, seeing and hearing the neighborhood kids crash around on their skateboards, zooming motorcycles and cars don't phase this boy at all.  We've met other dogs on our walks and he will approach the calmer ones but shows little interest.  He also has barely even noticed our cats.  But boy oh boy, does he love toys!  Within hours of coming back, he was tossing the stuffies and pouncing on them.  For anyone looking for a first, second, or third greyhound, Dakota would definitely be a great addition.  


Pat C Salt Lake is a very handsome boy who has a sweet personality. He is timid and would do best with another greyhound. In working with him, we could see that he wants to enjoy himself and "feel normal"--he was really trying and we loved him. He needs to learn that people are trustworthy. This boy is 5 years old and is cat tolerant with supervision.

Foster Update 4/15/2009:

Patsy is settling in quite nicely at home.  The first 2 or 3 days, he
spent a lot of time pacing, but now he's found comfort on the dog beds
or in his crate and is starting to relax a little.  He's doing great
with the cats - it's like he doesn't even see them!  He went up and down
the stairs on the first try with no help whatsoever.  He's eating fine
and goes willingly into the crate when it's time for me to leave.  We
had a few minor leg lifts in the first days, but he was very easily
corrected and taken outside.  On Sunday morning, after his first night,
he gave me a "smile" when I was gathering the dogs together to go out.
As the days have gone by, he is now smiling and snapping his jaws when
he gets excited (although it looks like he's snarling and trying to
bite!)  He has discovered toys and will toss them around and pounce on
them, all the while snapping his jaws.  With the rainy weather, we
haven't seen that many people outside, so we'll start to work on his
timidness slowly.  This great guy is looking for direction, guidance and
permission to enjoy his new life.  Won't you make him yours?
Foster Update 5/4/2009

PatC is continuing to do very well. He's been great with all of the dogs we've seen over the past few weeks - from a friendly pug and barking doxy (we stayed away from that one!) to labs and everything in between. He shows mild interest and wants to sniff, but doesn't try to drag you over to them. He's allowed a few people to pet him and I'm sure will continue to improve.  He'll wait until my two go over to be pet and then he'll stretch his neck out for a sniff.   We can add helicopter tail to his resume. What a happy guy! He's also shown me several times that he needs to go out by going to our front door and touching the knob with his nose (you have to go down a flight of steps to get to the door).  

Foster Update 5/13/2009:
This boy is such a love bug.  If you squat down, he'll walk right into your arms for some hugs and pets and he loves to have his ears rubbed.  Last night I took PatC and my two greyhounds, Rhoda and Dodger, to PetSmart to see how he would be in that type of setting.  I have to say that he did GREAT!  He let several people pet him and walked the aisles with no problems.  We walked right past people and came upon people around corners with ease.  He made me so proud:)  Since he passed this "test" with flying colors, I'm planning on taking him to the Concordville, PA Meet and Greet this Saturday, 5/16/09, around noon.  Please stop by to say hello.  He's made such great strides in such a short amount of time and is a real heartbreaker!  Check out the pictures to see how he's enjoying retirement.

More about Pat C Salt Lake

Good with Cats

Other Pictures of Pat C Salt Lake (click to see larger version):

Pat C Salt Lake Pat C Salt Lake Pat C Salt Lake Pat C Salt Lake