Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Tater Tot's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Tater Tot

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Brindle

Keeper Tottenham whose call name at the track was "Tater Tot" is a good sized, snuggle bunny. He is a sweet, calm, affectionate boy with wonderful soulful eyes. He is a friendly boy and a real leaner. He is a Velcro boy who was happy to join in with whatever was going on. Tater Tot is 3 years old and cat tolerant with supervision.

Foster Update 2/11/2018

Keeper Tottenham, called Tater Tot, is an incredibly handsome brindle boy  born January 14, 2015. He’s happy to go with the flow and demonstrates his intelligence through
his inquisitive nature. There isn’t one area of the house or our yard that he hasn’t explored. He will sniff everything and touch everything to take in  what he sees with all available senses. (Hide the breakables or put them out of his reach - he’s a bit clumsy.) Tater Tot loves to be with people and has attached himself to his foster dad, though will follow anyone else in the house who’s around when foster dad isn’t. 
  • Sleeps through the night on a dog bed in our bedroom.
  • Gets along with our two male greyhounds (a goofy 9-year-old and a 13-year-old elder statesman).  
  • Does well with our dog-friendly kids, ages 12 and 16.
  • Mastered the stairs and walking on our wood/tile/laminate flooring (the stairs are carpeted).
  • Eats well; has shown no food aggression.
  • Travels well in the car.
  • Walks well on a leash.
  • Will make a fantastic “ambassadog” -- he is sociable.
  • Is good with cats. He’s curious about them and keeps tabs on where they are and what they’re doing, but doesn’t chase them.
  • Corrects well.
By the way-––most striking about Tater Tot's looks, behind his good looks — is his curly cue tail!  The end of his tail forms a perfect ring. So cute!

What to watch for:

  • Tater Tot doesn’t like being crated and escaped from his crate. As this is dangerous, we don’t recommend crating him. When adopted, for the first couple of weeks, at least, muzzle him and restrict him to a  room or two, like the kitchen or living room, so as not to overwhelm him with too much freedom.
  • We’ve caught him “counter surfing” (front feet up on the counter) and correct him when we catch him; he corrects very well. 
  • During his first few days, he had some accidents and the house and would mark, but this hasn’t happened for the last 4 days. He’s adjusted well to our schedule and understanding what is expected of him.
Tater Tot will make a loving new family member. He’s a happy dog and has a total love for life and not a care in the word. 

Other Pictures of Tater Tot (click to see larger version):

Tater Tot Tater Tot Tater Tot