Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 27

  Search Successes
Newsletter Logo   GFNJ Home Stretch                        Fall 2016


Dear Greyhound Friends—

The United States was outstanding in the Olympics. I saw a lot of speed, endurance and grace – all traits of our lovely Greyhounds.  As you well know, you have to be pretty fast to keep up with Greyhounds.  And so we are – GFNJ is our ongoing Olympic sport!  Celebrating 30 years means we are in our prime and we are busier than ever finding the finest homes for the dogs we all love.  Our successful longevity stems from having the best volunteers, best adopters, and, of course, best dogs.  I am so proud to share a passion with you that provides a safe family for each dog.  Through the years, we have worked very hard to build a “Family of Friends” and are able to home greyhounds, Galgos and hounds of all kinds. 

As our family grows, so do our expenses and I am so grateful to those who create, execute and support our many fundraisers.  We recently had a great experience learning how wine is bottled (most of us already knew how wine is consumed), and our on-line flash sales and auctions have proven very popular.  For the upcoming fall fashion season, there are the 30th Anniversary GFNJ vests and jackets from Cabela’s.  Our fundraising list goes on and on and each contributes to providing Olympic Gold for the dogs. Additionally, our picnics and Annual Craft Show continue to be our anchors for friends and fundraising. 

Here is a link to a photo album of all of the GFNJ dogs adopted since 2005 (the link might take a little time to open but it is well worth it).  I hope you will enjoy seeing each engaging face and looking for the dog or dogs you adopted.

Greyhound Friends of NJ Adopted Dogs from 2005 to Now

Since we are all part of the GFNJ family, I know I can count on you to be an active family member.  Adoption is just the first, albeit most important step.  Each of us is crucial to our continued success and I hope you will pitch in where you are most comfortable.

Thank you for everything you do for our wonderful dogs—they need you. 

2016 Fall Newsletter Linda Sig                                                           2016 Fall Newsletter Logo

Featured Foster Parent Spotlight - Carolann Abbate

How did you become involved with fostering greyhounds?    

I started fostering after I adopted my first 2 greyhounds.  My family and I have enjoyed it every since. 

How many greyhounds have you fostered?       

I have lost count as to how many we have fostered. I would say it is somewhere around 80. 

What is the best part about fostering greyhounds? 

Knowing that you are the stepping stone to them going into their forever homes.  

What is a negative about fostering? 

There are some that touch your heart so much that it's hard to see them leave. 

What advice would you give to people thinking about fostering a greyhound in the future?  

Don't look at it as "how am I going to let my fosters go?" It's really "Wow! My Foster has a forever home, now I can't wait to meet my new foster and help them find their forever home."

                                            2016 Fall Newsletter Fostering

2016 Fall Picnic 1

Your Grey's First Days     by Heidi Gehret 

Bringing a new greyhound home is very exciting for you and the dog.  But in his case, it might be a very anxious time. Imagine being an alien dropped onto Earth,  everything is new and pretty scary. We’re not saying your greyhound arrived in a spaceship,  but he may feel just as lost.

Here are some things to remember and simple steps to follow to help make the transition from track life to “real” life smooth for both of you from day one. Always remember, you’re in control - be patient, calm, firm and consistent. 

Remember, a retired racing greyhound has lived a very simple life:

  • He most likely has never seen children or other dog breeds and may need time to adjust.
  • Greyhounds need rules. They’ve never had to think on their own. They were told what to do by their trainer and by the greyhounds in their pack. Your dog is going to need you to show him what’s right and wrong.
  • Greyhounds sleep alone in crates at track kennels with their pack around them. He doesn’t need to sleep in bed with you, nor should he. Now you are his pack and he will feel more secure and will bond to you faster if allowed to sleep in your room at night.  
  • He lived by a schedule. He awoke, was turned out, and ate at the same times every day. Keeping to a schedule will help your greyhound feel secure and know what to expect.

We've chosen some important steps from the list of things to do to help your new greyhound make an easy transition to his new home and environment:

When your new greyhound comes into your home, he should be given quiet time to explore his surroundings. Stay calm, he’s watching you for direction and if you’re worried or nervous, he’ll see the signs. Don’t fawn over him. Don’t invite the neighbors to meet him. Let him get used to things. Limit affection, there’s plenty of time for that. 

Recognize signs of anxiety or insecurity. If your grey is panting or pacing, put a leash on him and wait until he lies down to pet him; otherwise you will reinforce his anxiety. If he’s following you anxiously, ignore him. If there’s thunder, don’t hug him saying “It’s okay.” He’ll think showing fear is a way to get a hug. 

Children should be supervised. Give your dog time to get to know them. Children can help him make the transition. Teach your children to call the dog to them, instead of them approaching him.  A dog understands that the person who gives the direction is the one in charge.  If your children constantly go to him and give affection, he will think that he is the one in charge.  This exercise helps your children get involved with their new dog and sends him the right message. Your child and your grey are likely to be very good friends but children need to know how to act with their new dog to keep everyone safe and happy. 

It’s your house and you have your rules. Don’t hesitate to correct your grey for counter-surfing, getting up on the sofa, or jumping on people. A calm, confident “No” or “Hey” will show him who’s boss and that is you. Remember, he wants you to tell him what’s expected. And be consistent! 

Limit access to the house. Babysit your new family member so you’ll be there to teach him all he needs to learn. When you’re home, use gates if necessary to keep him confined in an area where you and your family spend the most time, perhaps the kitchen or family room. The quickest way to stop a problem is to keep it from happening. And the quickest way to form a bond with your new pal is to spend time with him, allowing him to feel part of your pack. 

Crate training should start when you’re there. Don’t put your new dog in a crate for the first time and leave for the day. Your goal is to teach your grey to stay calm in his crate.

Start the training in the evening when you and your family are spending time together watching TV or helping your kids with homework.  Put your dog in the crate and shut the door.  If he starts to cry or bark, correct him right away.  Don't let his anxiety escalate, stopping the behavior right away will teach him to remain calm and quiet in his crate. If he barks or cries again, correct him again. He’ll get the message. 

You can help all your animals get along. Walking your grey with existing dogs in your household is the best way to help them get to know each other. Your grey should not be left alone in the house with a smaller dog or cat without muzzling or crating him until he proves they can get along without problems. Also, don’t let your grey, small dog or cat run loose together in a fenced yard without muzzles. A smaller dog or cat who’s running can represent prey and get an unwelcome reaction even from a greyhound who shows affection for that animal in the house.

Remember, you’re the boss, you’re in control and it’s your new greyhound’s job to learn that. Don’t feel sorry for him, your greyhound is starting a wonderful new life and he doesn’t remember his old one. Babysit him for the first few days, keeping him near you, and watch everything he does so you can control situations.

Read Lee Livingood’s “Retired Racing Greyhounds for Dummies” and call GFNJ immediately if you have a problem or if your greyhound gets loose at 732-356-4370. 

You and your greyhound will be the very best of friends and with your help it will happen very quickly and last forever.

Contact our greyhound behavior expert, Heidi Gehret at 856-863-5898 or with behavioral questions or concerns--we want your grey and you to be happy.

The Importance of GFNJ Dog Tags 

In the past month the importance of having a GFNJ tag has hit home.  In the first instance, a greyhound was found on Rt 287 in Somerset and in the second, another greyhound was found on a busy road in Monmouth County.  Luckily, both dogs had on a GFNJ tag with the GFNJ phone number.  The kind folks who found the dogs called and a happy ending was the result.  Whew!!!

Your greyhound should have ID on at all times.  If you don’t want them to wear a martingale collar in the house, use a tag collar.

Besides a GFNJ tag, your dog should have a tag that says “If I’m loose, I’m lost” and your cell phone number.

If you need a GFNJ tag, please contact Linda at and she will be happy to send you one. If you have an old tag that has 2 phone numbers on it, please ask Linda for an updated tag (the only phone number on the tag should be 732 356 4370). 

2016 Fall Newsletter Postcard Front
2016 Fall Newsletter Volunteers Wanted
2016 Fall Newsletter Vendors Wanted

2016 Fall Newsletter Wish List a


For information on being a Sponsor at the Pet & Craft Expo, please contact Linda Lyman at

Platinum Sponsor—$5,000 – Presenting Sponsor will receive:

  • Recognition on exterior of the Armory and posters in local towns
  • Recognition in event advertising – media vehicles TBD
  • 10’ X 10’ booth for company display and material distribution
  • Recognition in E-mail blasts to GFNJ adopters promoting event
  • Recognition on event flyers distributed in local areas and GFNJ events throughout NJ, NY and PA
  • Recognition in Adoption Area where 15 or more available Greyhounds are on view
  • Recognition on Save-the-Date postcard to 3,000 households
  • Banner recognition at Show entrance and Acknowledgment and logo link on GFNJ Website and on Facebook
  • Full page color advertisement in event program

Gold Sponsor—$3,000 – Greyhound Adoption Area Sponsor will receive:

  • Recognition in Adoption Area where 15 or more available Greyhounds are displayed
  • Recognition on Save-the-Date postcard to 3,000 households
  • Banner Recognition at Show entrance and Acknowledgment and logo link on GFNJ Website and on Facebook
  • Table space for company literature
  • Full page advertisement in event program

Silver Sponsor—$2,000 – Grey Cafe Sponsor will receive:

  • Recognition on Save-the-Date postcard to 3,000 households
  • Banner Recognition at Show entrance and Acknowledgment and logo link on GFNJ Website and on Facebook
  • Table space for company literature
  • Full page advertisement in event program

Bronze Sponsor—$1,000 – Raffle Sponsor will receive:

  • Banner Recognition at Show entrance and Acknowledgment and logo link on GFNJ Website and on Facebook
  • Recognition at Raffle Area
  • Half page advertisement in event program

General Sponsor—$500

  • Banner Recognition at Show entrance and Acknowledgment and Logo link on GFNJ Website and on Facebook
  • Half page advertisement in event program

Greyt Patrons—$100

  • Half page advertisement in event program


2016 Fall Newsletter Admission Program Contest

2016 Fall Newsletter Admission Program Ad

One of GFNJ’s collaborations that we are proud to be a part of is NorthStar VETS 

Many of our adopted greyhounds have become blood donors at NorthStar VETS. We thank the owners and their dogs that have committed to this great cause.  Greyhounds are the very best donors and one unit of blood can save 2 - 4 lives.  It's a wonderful feeling to "pay it forward".  Our greyhounds have a permanent home and now they are saving lives.  A win for everyone!  If you are interested in having your greyhound screened to be a donor,  contact Maria Lutz at or 732-521-8330. 

From NorthStar VETS — Paying Tribute to One of our Original Donors 

Our June blood drive in Robbinsville was held in honor of Sonalee Abbate. Maria of Greyhound Friends of New Jersey, who knew Sonalee, told the story. “Sonalee was a pet of the Abbate family and she was an absolutely wonderful dog. She was actually part of the original Greyhound Friends of New Jersey and NorthStar VETS partnership, part of the original super heroes. Unfortunately, Sonalee passed about a month ago. She got the very best care, but unfortunately, she’s no longer with us and so NorthStar VETS decided to have this blood drive in memory of Sonalee. So we have a lot of greyhound owners who came down here today to have their dogs screened in memory of Sonalee. She will always be part of our organization, and she will always be part of our hearts.”

Thanks to these donations, NorthStar VETS can continue to provide world-class care to pets in need. Maria concluded, “I just want to thank NorthStar VETS. They provide absolutely amazing care for our greyhounds. They have the most wonderful staff, doctors, technicians and receptionists. We are very lucky and grateful to have the partnership between Greyhound Friends of New Jersey and NorthStar VETS.” 

2016 Fall Newsletter Sonalee a

Blood Drive Video


NorthStar Vet Logo

Save the Date!!! 

2016 Fall Newsletter Applefest
2016 Newsletter Fall Picnic Small
2016 Fall Newsletter Craft Show Small

2016 Fall Newsletter Bark Box
Ways to Support GFNJ!

 2016 Fall Newsletter Chewy

Big Bella 2

2016 Fall Newsletter Mobile App

Don’t Forget to Renew Your Annual Membership!
2016 Spring Newsletter 5