Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 19

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Newsletter Logo   GFNJ Home Stretch     Spring/Summer 2016


Dear Greyhound Friends,

Happy Birthday, Greyhound Friends!!   This year we celebrate 30 years of helping houses become homes by placing families with the perfect dog.

2016 Spring Newsletter 1 So many memories flood over me –I recall marching in the freezing cold rain, in a parade with my two dogs and two young daughters, holding a GFNJ banner that the week prior had been spread across my sewing table.  Our group was started in 1985 and by 1989 we had adopted 87 dogs and we’ve only gained speed from there, 30 years later we have adopted approximately 7,000 and we are going strong. Our volunteers are devoted, kind, and always ready to help. Our board is made up of people I’m glad to call friends. Our network of families that we have adopted to, is ever growing and each shares a special bond to a dog that we have been fortunate enough to receive from the tracks. Before we had a website, now we are dating ourselves, our story was shared by word of mouth, and a few adopters who spent every weekend at places like Petco introducing the breed at Meet & Greets. GFNJ started to grow as most adopters began volunteering before the ink was dry on the adoption papers.
By early 2001, we were taking pictures of each dog, like Chico’s Plan (left), and rehabilitating and then finding homes for injured dogs, such as Sassy (right). We began bringing a few dogs to our picnics twice a year, which became a popular venue for adoptions, and is still today.   Other annual events include the Craft Show held in November, which was started 20 years ago, it does NOT seem that long ago! , and the Tricky Tray in April. Although these are high spots on our calendar, we are always holding events, and are open to new ideas. One of which is coming up in July! We are going to bottle our own wine, with a 30th year wine label, how cool?!  In conjunction with finding fosters for our dogs, 15 years ago GFNJ partnered in a fledgling program within the Mountain View Correctional prison facility. The program consists of dogs in need of fostering, and on occasion dogs who are recovering from medical care being paired with an inmate, to live in their rooms with them. The dogs work with the inmates allowing them to form a connection and care for someone other than themselves, and the inmates work with the dogs allowing them to acclimate to retirement.  The program is a worthy cause for all participants, and one that we are very happy to say is a New Jersey Veterinarians Association Hall of Fame award, winner and a runaway success. There is a story for each one of our thousands of dogs.  As we celebrate our 30th year, we commit to the future. 2016 Spring Newsletter 2

Please stay tuned for our fall newsletter that will have a portion in it dedicated to the dogs we have adopted throughout our pursuit of giving every dog a loving and safe home. I thank you for love and kindness to animals and invite you to become more involved as we beginning our next 30 years. There is still much to do and so many more stories to tell.

Thank you for all you do for greyhounds.


2015 Fall Newsletter Picture1 

Featured Foster Parent Spotlight - Denise and Rob Parkanyi

How did you become involved with fostering greyhounds?          

Although I never had a dog growing up, I have always been a huge animal lover and believed in adoption over buying a pet. Rob and I were involved with a local animal shelter and actually fostered a heartworm positive dog for them. Goldie ended becoming part of our family as we failed when it came to giving her away. Our second dog was also a mixed breed, but we had met some greyhounds at a M&G near us once and Rob decided that they would be our next dog. 

After doing research and talking with greyhound folks at some events, we filled out an application and brought home our first grey in January 2007. We decided to get more involved with GFNJ and noticed that most folks had at least 2 greys, some having 4 or 5! Since we weren't sure about caring for 2 dogs at a time, we inquired about fostering, which would allow us to decide if a second dog was right for us. We were asked to foster a dog coming in with a broken leg, which would require weekly checks at the vet for bandage changes and since the vet was only a few miles from our home, we figured, why not. That was the start of our involvement with fostering which continues 9 years later!      

How many greyhounds have you fostered?    

I have lost count of the number of fosters we have taken in, I never thought to keep a list or anything. I would guess we have had somewhere between 40 and 50 greys pass through our home.  We tend to take the ones that need a little extra care, broken legs, very shy, other medical issues, so they stay with us a little longer.     

What is the best part about fostering greyhounds?  

It is so nice to stay in touch with the families that adopt our fosters and today with social media, it is much easier to see them on Facebook. We know that we have helped this beautiful retired racer settle into his or her new home, and we have helped a family find a wonderful companion.

What is a negative about fostering?

I think the only sad part of fostering is not sending the grey to his new home, but it is hearing about any sickness or injuries that may happen to your former foster. In the past year, we have heard about 5 former fosters who have crossed the rainbow bridge, due to different ailments, and it is like loosing a dog of your own. You grieve with the family over their loss, as if it were your loss as well.

This, however, is no reason to stop fostering, because there are still plenty of greys and galgos coming to us and other groups around the country who need guidance  in settling in with a new family.

What advice would you give to people thinking about fostering a greyhound in the future?  

So, if you are considering adding to your fur family, contact anyone in the greyhound community, attend a M&G, and ask questions. You could become a foster family for an amazing and wonderful breed of dog and discover how rewarding it is to have them as part of your family. You also will make some lifetime friendships with the humans who adopt them!

 2016 Spring Picnic Fixed

In the Event of Accident, Disability or Death:  Who Will Care for Your Dog?

If one day you were no longer able care for your dog, who would take your place?  This might be a temporary situation or a permanent one.  Regardless you need to have a plan in place so your pets will not go without care for even a single day.  Below is a step-by-step guide to making the necessary arrangements.

Step One:  Prepare a Pet Profile and Identify Temporary Caregivers

Every pet owner should carry a card in his/her wallet that lists pets, the address where they are located and contact information for temporary caregivers.  Temporary caregivers are those who would be willing to give care your pets in the hours, days or weeks after an emergency which results in your unexpected absence.  You should identify at least two temporary caregivers.  A prototype for a wallet card can be downloaded from our website,

Provide these caregivers with keys to your home, feeding and care instructions for your pets, the location of your pet profile information, the name of your veterinarian and information about the long-term provisions you have made for your pet.   Identify a date each year that is meaningful to you, such as your birthday, your pet’s birthday or a holiday, when you will revisit your selection of caregivers.  Emergency caregivers should also know how to contact each other.

Post removable “in case of emergency” notices on the outside of your main doors and windows specifying how many and what types of pets you have.  These notices will alert emergency response personnel to the presence of pets. 

On the inside of your front and back doors, place a removable notice that lists the emergency caregivers contact information.  Also post brief information about location of pet food and basic supplies that can be used until the caregiver arrives.  A sample of this notice can be downloaded from our website,

Prepare a pet profile for each animal that contains the name, date of birth, microchip or other identification number, veterinarian’s name and number (including a back up veterinarian and an emergency veterinary clinic), medical history, any medical issues or medications, type and amount of food and feeding schedule, commands, toys, location of collars and leashes, behavioral notes.  Include contact information of key family members or friends in the event your emergency caregiver cannot be contacted or is unavailable.  Identify the location of your important estate planning and financial documents, including powers of attorney, living trusts, wills and advance health care directives.

Let your temporary care givers know how to access funds if needed for the care of your pets.  Consider keeping this information in a three-ring binder so it can be easily updated.  Place it in a prominent location. 

Step Two – Prepare a Written Long-Term Plan for Your Pets

It is important to have a formal written plan detailing how you want your pets to be cared for in your absence.  This plan should be included in your pet profile notebook and be formalized in a will, trust or other legal document.   Legally pets are considered personal property and therefore, if they are not included in the estate planning process, they could be taken to a shelter or euthanized.   Your estate plan should include, at a minimum, the following documents with mention of provisions for your pet in each:  durable powers of attorney for financial matters, durable powers of attorney for health matters, last will and testament and trusts.

Permanent Caregivers

The first step in making any plan is to identify options for permanent caregivers for your pets.  Consider friends and family members who know your animals and understand the responsibility of caring for them.  You must also decide if your pets must stay together or could go to separate households.  It is important to have alternate caregivers identified in case your first choice is unavailable.

If you have no one to designate as a caregiver, consider identifying an animal care panel, which might consist of your veterinarian, concerned friends or relatives, and a representative from an animal welfare group, such as Adopt a Golden Atlanta.  This panel would have the responsibility of locating a suitable caregiver. 

Another option is to ask a rescue organization, such as Greyhound Friends of NJ, to find a new home for your pets.  This should be discussed in advance with the organization and specific instructions written into your estate plan. 

It is important to have someone designated to make funds available to provide for the care of your pets while permanent caregivers are being identified. 

Powers of Attorney

Powers of attorney, which authorize someone else to conduct some or all of your affairs while you are alive, have become a standard planning device.  Such documents can be written to take effect upon your physical or mental incapacity.  It is important to include pets in these powers of attorney to authorize payments for care, including food, veterinary care, grooming, exercise and socialization.  These documents should also address where your pet is to be housed depending on whether you are at home and in the event you must be moved to a hospital or nursing facility.  Consideration should also be given to pet visitation during your incapacity. 

Powers of attorney should also give your designee the ability to make critical decisions about your pet’s medical care. 


Although a will is a necessary part of any estate plan, it has drawbacks when it comes to providing for your pets.  A will takes effect only upon your death and will not be probated and formally recognized by a court for days or even weeks later.  Should a dispute arise, the final settlement of your property, including your pets, may be prolonged. 

However, it remains important that your wishes for your pets be expressed in your will.  This should include the identification of your pre-determined care givers as well as alternates.  Your will should also provide detailed instructions about the standard of care you expect for your pet and the establishment of sufficient funds to provide for all pet care expenses.  Your executor or other identified individual should be given flexibility to make alternate arrangements if your original instructions cannot be honored. 


Unlike a will, a trust can provide for your pet immediately and can apply in the event of illness, incapacity or death.  You determine when your trust becomes effective and specify a trustee to control distribution of the funds.  Typically, a trustee will hold property, usually cash, for the benefit of your pets.  Payments to a designated caregiver will be made on a regular basis.  The trust, depending on state law, will continue for the life of the pet or a specified number of years.  Trusts are a more reliable vehicle for ensuring your wishes for your pets will be followed.

In addition to having trustees and caregivers identified, you will also need the following information when setting up a trust:

A method of adequately identifying your pets, such as microchips, to prevent fraud.

A detailed description of your pet’s standard of living and care.

A way for your trustee to regularly validate the care provided to your pets.

A reasonable estimate of your pet’s annual expenses.

A bonus to be paid to your identified caregiver.

A fee to be paid for the administration of the trust.

A plan for the final disposition of your pet.

A named beneficiary should there be funds remaining in the trust after the pet’s death.  These funds are often donated to an animal welfare organization.

Trusts can be funded in a number of ways, such as direct transfer of money or property, life insurance, funds from the property in your estate, annuities or similar retirement accounts. 

As you make an estate plan that includes provisions for your pet, please seek the advice of a legal professional.  GFNJ is not providing legal advice.  Please take the time to think about how to provide for your precious pets should illness, accident or death prevent you from being there for them for one day or for the balance of their lives.

Article information: a Golden, Atlanta

Save the Date!!! 

2016 Spring Newsletter 4

~ 2016 Greyhound Adoption Expo ~

June 11th ~ 11am - 3pm

Puppy Farm Tour ~  5th Annual Linda A. Jensen Memorial Picnic     

 Linda Jensen was  a true unsung hero in the greyhound community.  This year will be the fifth Expo since her passing, and it will be a time to reflect on her impact in adoption as well as celebrate the retired racing greyhound.  Join us for a day of greyhound fun in the country! There will be vendors, raffles, auctions, food fun and greyhounds, so what more of a reason do you need? This is a great  opportunity for adopters to see a working greyhound farm. 

Saturday, June 13th 2015 11 am to 3pm (rain or shine)
283 Orchard Hill Road, Pomfret Center, CT  ~ 

2016 Spring Newsletter 3      GFNJ's Annual Fall Picnic/Greyhound Planet Day     

Sunday, September 18 ~ Pineland Country Kennel, Tabernacle, NJ

Greyhound Planet Day is a time chosen each year to honor the Greyhound and its relatives (Galgos, lurchers, etc.) throughout the world. The purpose of this international event is to raise the public's awareness of the wonder and magic of Greyhounds as pets, educate others on the current status of hounds around the world and to honor those Greyhounds who have left us already. 

20th Annual GFNJ Pet & Craft Expo!

       Saturday, November 12, 2016 ~ 10 am to 4 pm

Sunday, November 13, 2016 ~ 10 am to 4 pm

The Westfield Armory, 500 Rahway Avenue, Westfield, NJ  07090

If you would like vendor information, please contact Ellen at

If you would like to volunteer, please contact Ellen at 


Easy Ways to Support GFNJ

2016 Big Bella 1

Little House Spring 2016

 NorthStar Vet Logo

One of GFNJ’s collaborations that we are proud to be a part of is NorthStar VETS. 

Many of our adopted greyhounds have become blood donors at NorthStar Vets.  We thank the owners and their dogs that have committed to this great cause.  Greyhounds are the very best donors and one unit of blood can save 2 - 4 lives.  It's a wonderful feeling to "pay it forward".  Our greyhounds have a permanent home and now they are saving lives.  A win for everyone!  If you are interested in having your greyhound screened to be a donor, contact Maria Lutz at or 732-521-8330.

Don’t Forget to Renew Your Annual Membership!
2016 Spring Newsletter 5