Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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HL's Sweet Pea's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Female

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About HL's Sweet Pea

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: White with brindle

This girl certainly is something to look at - Sweet Pea is beautiful, and there’s no two ways about it!  You almost can’t see her spots until she holds her ears up and then – poof! – there they are, speckled all over her perfectly symmetrical floppity ears.  Her thick, velvety coat sparkles in the sun, but it’s her glimmering personality that truly captivates.  She is soft and powerful, angelic and athletic, charming and most definitely disarming.  She carries herself with an intelligent, reserved air, a lady in each and every way.  But not too deep down, Sweet Pea knows that every day is just a party waiting to happen and everyone is invited! 

After the completion of her racing career, from January to May 2013, Sweet Pea was enrolled in a teaching program at Becker College, where she helped students learn the fine art of responsible animal care.  She has done a great service for the community by helping the animal professionals of tomorrow learn to be compassionate and capable in their field of study.  She is 3 ½ years old, spayed and microchipped.  She has had a dental cleaning and is up to date on her vaccines, heartworm and flea and tick protection.  Sweet Pea has also been introduced to clicker training, and has had some experience in a "real-life" apartment which has helped her become familiar with the skills she will need in her new life as a beloved pet.  Please consider meeting her if you are looking for a stunning, star-quality friend!    

Although Sweet Pea loves people, no cats, please.    

Other Pictures of HL's Sweet Pea (click to see larger version):

HL's Sweet Pea HL's Sweet Pea HL's Sweet Pea