Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Chase's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Chase

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Brindle

HL's Chase was recently relinquished after a very short adoption.  His adopers loved him and described him as gentle and sweet. However, he needs to be with another greyhound.  He was good with the cats in his former home and is doing well with the cats in his foster home. Won't you consider this sweet, gentle boy?
Foster Update 6/24/2016

Say hello to HL’s Chase, born June 19, 2013.  This is one very calm and very tall boy. And his foster home is in love with him. If we could welcome another to our pack, we would not hesitate to adopt him. 

 Here’s what 
you need to know about Chase:

  • Very affectionate.
  • Good with our 4 cats, generally ignoring them
  • Good with our dog-friendly kids, ages 10 and 14
  • Good with our greyhounds; one is a quiet older gentleman, the other a complete goofball
  • Eats well and has not shown signs of food aggression
  • No signs of space aggression. 
  • Travels well in the car
  • Crates well while we are at work
  • Takes direction and corrections well
  • Mastered the stairs
  • Mastered our wood, tile, and laminate flooring
  • Sleeps though the night on a dog bed next to our bed
  • Walks beautifully on a leash

Chase will do well with another dog. He has been crated while we are at work and we’ve watched him on our remote/WiFi cameras. However, on the one occasion when we tested to see how he would do in his crate without our dogs in sight, he became anxious.  Chase is learning not to counter surf; just showing him the water spray bottle deters him.

He is a “greyt” ambassador for greyhounds everywhere because he is so personable and laid back.   
By welcoming Chase into your life, you will be getting a devoted friend who will dedicate himself to you. He will look to you for direction, hugs, and love, returning that love tenfold. And he will keep you smiling for the rest of his life.

Original Posting
HL's Chase is a gorgeous boy who impressed all of the volunteers. He is friendly but not pushy.  He is a leaner and kisser.  He was described by his caregivers in Florida as "friendly, not wild--quietly friendly."  We agree.  He is one of those "mooshie boys" that we love.  He walks nicely on leash. Chase will be 3 years old in June and he is cat tolerant with supervision.

More about Chase

Good with Cats

Other Pictures of Chase (click to see larger version):

Chase Chase Chase